2021 HALLET OAK GALLERY ART CONTEST: “You and Your Waterways”

This year, Hallet Oak Foundation’s Friends of Lavaca River committee in Hallettsville created a new contest open to all ages, titled “You and Your Waterways” Art Contest. The contest rewards students for their efforts and gives the community the opportunity to view the student art. Art teacher, Sheila Henke, from Hallettsville Junior High School guided the students in their work. Dr. Betty J. Edwards, Co-Founder of Hallet Oak Foundation and historical preservationist and owner of the Kahn & Stanzel Bldg, judged the first year entries. She based the winners on their interpretation of waterway ecosystems — relating to what is under water and on the banks. Dr. Betty J. Edwards donated the awards.  Hallet Oak Gallery, operated by Hallet Oak Foundation, thanks all those who assisted with the contest.

Dr. Edwards, explains why this contest was something she wanted to support.
“The Lavaca River flows through your community, your county, and your life. You must know how important this is. The water, the fish, the wildlife — all support each other . . .  and you.  It’s a delicate ecosystem. In your art you have captured the mutual dependency of river life and your life. Thank you for accepting the challenge.”


First Place: Norah Dean, 6th grade, age 11 (downtown), color pencil

Second Place: Summer Whittley, 7th grade, age 12  (swimming turtle), color pencil

Third Place: Conner Thomas, 8th grade, age 13 (fish with red can), color pencil

Honorable Mention: Caitlynn Holt, 6th grade, age 11 (coyote), color pencils

Honorable Mention: Wyatt Kram, 8th grade, age 13 (Bird), color pencil

Honorable Mention: Weston Loudon, 8th grade, age 14 (deer), color pencil

Honorable Mention: Bella DeBord, 7th grade, age 12 (snake), color pencil

Honorable Mention:  Draven Klekar, 8th grade, age 14 (fish), oil pastels

Hallet Oak Gallery congratulates all the students for their participation.  All entries are posted at www.halletoakgallery.com and on Facebook. Hallet Oak Gallery is located on the square in Hallettsville, in the historic Kahn & Stanzel Bldg designed by James Riley Gordon in 1890. For more information about upcoming events, art classes, and contests visit www.halletoakgallery.com or call 361-217-7030. Walk-ins are welcome. Visit www.halletoakfoundation.com to learn about Hallet Oak Foundation’s programs.