Habitat not forgotten along the Lavaca River

Natural History Preserved within its constant flow.

Whether it be from the natural underwater springs, neighboring watersheds or water treatment plants the Lavaca River flows from Gonzales to Lavaca Bay. The section in Hallettsville is without an entry and foot/bike path and is now being revisited to bring it back to life for its natural environment. Hallet Oak Foundation DBA Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization has formed a river committee to research with hopes to discover the care-takers that can bring the river back for the living.

Forgotten recreation is fishing and boating for a quick break from chores or work. The Lavaca River serves as a hidden treasure and also is now an extreme hardship for those daring to cross it on its only bridge without a safe passage for those biking and walking. A low water crossing use to be a memory and now we’d like to see the memory come back. 20,000 people reside in Lavaca County with 24 area schools that will be able to enjoy the river for science and art projects — if we build safe areas. The Hallettsville section can be a destination for tourist, schools, and community. There is a variety of species of organisms, with many unexplored. Interpretive teachers can help identity and show native specifics and teach art and science techniques to explore its natural wonders.

Currently, Hallet Oak Foundation DBA Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization AKA Friends of the River is in communications with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the following aquatic ecosystem restoration assessment:

Section 206 Water Resources Development Act of 1996

Plan to design and build to restore aquatic ecosystems for fish and wildlife:

  1. River restoration
  2. Public interest to view river and have a direct entry safely and crossing a footpath or bike path

The river bed and easements are owned by the State of Texas and is of federal interest because of its past flooding and prevention methods working with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the 60’s and 80’s.

Friends of the River Committee is committed to learn the environmental effects of what we can do for this river now and for the future. 

If the amount of USACE study exceeds the $100,000, Friends of the River will be required to fund fifty percent of what is needed to complete the project, and 35 percent of the cost of design and construction is required — as well as 100 percent of the cost of operation and maintenance. As a 501 (3) C non-profit charity organization listed under Hallet Oak Foundation Inc — a committee is dedicated for improvements for rivers AKA Friends of the River.

The board of Hallet Oak Foundation has agreed that if we do not achieve this USACE application for matching funds, we will reserve the funds in a savings account until we can. It is by our own research and many conversations with our State leaders that the best results will be working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on this river improvement project — mainly due to the past flooding in the 40’s and 80’s requirements.

By contributing donations and noting that the funds are for the River Project – guarantees the funds will be used for matching grants for improvements to The Lavaca River. None of these funds will be used for operations – only for engineering consultants, legal fees, design and construction for betterment of The Lavaca River.