Lavaca County International Cultural Arts Trail Celebration

Volunteers prepare for Lavaca County Cultural Arts Trail!

Family-Friendly Tourism Events:

A first time international event hosted Hallet Oak Foundation is titled: Lavaca County International Arts Trail Celebration! The event was held on September 7, 2019. Local artist, Tanya Edwards performed on a steel drum from 11 to 2. On display was an Alaskan summer outfit and several Mexican dresses. Caribbean flavored pineapple sherbet punch was served. Hands-on gold panning was provided for the children and they were allowed to take home the gold pieces they found.  This was the first event to promote different cultures at once.

Mieko Mahi, Executive Director of Hallet Oak Foundation explains, “The word “international” better defines this event. Hallettsville is a multi-cultural city as we have many business owners that are minorities – this includes Women Artists, Vietnamese, Hispanic, Black American, and People from India, to list a few. Our goal is to create an environment that encourages the public to experience different cultures through art.”

The Lavaca County International Cultural Arts Trail event has three main objectives:

1) To host a booth with multi-cultural live music in different cities.

2) To showcase fun cultural activities, food and music.

3) To promote Lavaca County Cultural Arts Trail.

The result of this event will be to offer a  well-rounded experience for appreciation of different cultures and will promote tourism to Lavaca County.