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ANNOUNCEMENT FOR HISTORIC ART CONTEST AND CONFERENCE JUNE 10-11, 2016 Celebrating – through Art – the Life and Work of J. Riely Gordon

March 9, 2016 @ 8:00 am - 8:15 am



for HISTORIC ART CONTEST and conference june 10-11, 2016

Celebrating – through Art – the Life and Work of J. Riely Gordon


(HALLETTSVILLE, TX) – The Hallet Oak Gallery, a nonprofit organization supporting education for cultural arts, in partnership with the Texas Society of Architects, is sponsoring a statewide art contest celebrating the work of renowned architect J. Riely Gordon (1863-1937). The gallery is also hosting a conference honoring Gordon June 10-11, 2016. In addition to the beautiful Kahn and Stanzel Building (1890) that houses the gallery, Gordon designed 18 Texas courthouses, 12 of which are in use today. He also designed the 1901 Arizona State Capitol Building, now a state museum.


Presentations for the conference about J. Riely Gordon and historical Texas architecture will begin at 7:00 PM Friday, June 10, at 7 PM. Lavaca County historian Doug Kubicek will talk about mercantile activity during the time the Kahn and Stanzel Building was built. Following Kubicek will be photographer and architect Richard Payne, FAIA. Payne will talk about his book, “Texas Towns and the Art of Architecture” and his Texas Towns photography exhibit, which will be on view at the gallery.


The gallery will serve coffee and doughnuts on Saturday morning at 9 AM and host book signings featuring Brantley Hightower (The Courthouses of Central Texas), Chris Meister (James Riely Gordon: His Courthouses and Other Public Architecture), and Doug Kubicek (Grand, Complete, and Perfect: The Lavaca County Courthouse). Lavaca County Judge Tramer Woytek has approved special tours on Friday evening and Saturday morning for those who would like to see the recently renovated Lavaca County Courthouse.


Hightower will kick off the Saturday afternoon program, speaking during lunch. followed by Meister, and James P. Arnold, preservation specialist for the renovation of the Kahn and Stanzel building. Paul A. Bielamowicz, President of the Texas Society of Architects, will wrap up the meeting with comments and awards for winners of the historic art contest.


The Texas Society of Architects will provide jurors and assist in awarding prizes for the historic art contest accompanying the conference. Entries in the contest may be in any medium (painting, sculpture, photography, or other) but must illustrate some aspect of Gordon’s life or work. They will be judged according to age group: adults (age 20 and up), teens (age 12-19), and children (age 6-11). Entry fee is $20 per artwork submitted ($10 for children). Winners will receive certificates and cash prizes and subscriptions to the Texas Architects magazine. There is a $200 prize for “Best of Show.”


Paul A. Bielamowicz, President of Texas Society of Architects, said: “Texas courthouses are a cherished part of our state’s history, and James Riely Gordon was instrumental in the creation of many of these beautiful buildings. His buildings continue to bring a sense of pride to their communities after more than 100 years, and are living examples of what we at the Texas Society of Architects advocate for every day.”


Registration fees for the conference are $75 per person ($60 each for two or more) and $40 for students, teachers, or senior citizens. Those who register by June 8 will receive lunch. Walk-ins are welcome but will not receive lunch. Application forms for the conference and the historical art contest are available at https://halletoakgallery.com or by calling 361-217-7030.


About J. Riely Gordon (1863-1937): Not only did Gordon design beautiful, enduring buildings, but he was a strong advocate for the value of architecture. He supported the Office of the Supervising Architect of the United States Treasury, the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, and the City Beautiful Movement.


About Texas Society of Architects: An affiliate of the American Institute of Architects, TSA is one of the nation’s largest organizations for the architectural profession. Founded in 1939, it includes 17 regional chapters and more than 6,500 members. The mission of TSA is to be the voice for Texas architecture, supporting the creation of safe, beautiful, sustainable environments. As an advocate for architecture, TSA promotes good design and the benefits that good design brings to Texas communities.


Also supporting the event are Dr. Betty Edwards, owner of the Kahn & Stanzel Building; the City of Hallettsville; and Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization. Hallettsville planning committee members are Gayle Bludau, Mieko Mahi, Cindy Renken, Lois S. Weiss, Tammy Woytek, and Alice Vickers.


Lois Weiss – Writer for the Arts


“Celebrating –through art—the Life and Work of J. Riely Gordon”

First Annual Hallet Oak Gallery Art Contest & Conference

Partnering with Texas Society of Architects – June 10–11, 2016


Wednesday, June 8         


4:00 – 7:00 PM                    Deadline for dropping off art works with application fee.


Friday, June 10


7:00 – 9:00 PM                    Evening Photo Exhibition & Lectures
Doug Kubicek – Author of “Grand, Complete, and Perfect: The Lavaca County Courthouse,” Mercantile activity before and after the Kahn & Stanzel Building was built in 1890.
Richard Payne, FAIA – Author of “Texas Towns and the Art of Architecture,” The Importance of Preservation and Texas Towns Photography Exhibit.


Saturday, June 11


9:00 AM — Noon                  Coffee and Doughnuts


Book signings by Brantley Hightower, “The Courthouses of Central Texas;” Chris Meister, “James Riely Gordon: His Courthouses and Other Public Architecture;” and Doug Kubicek, “Grand, Complete, and Perfect: The Lavaca County Courthouse.”


12:00 – 1:00 PM                   Lunch with talk by Brantley Hightower


1:00 – 1:30 PM                    Break


1:30 – 2:30 PM                    Chris Meister


2:30 – 3:00 PM                    Break


3:00 – 3:45 PM                    James P. Arnold, Preservation Specialist who oversaw the renovation of the Kahn & Stanzel Building.


3:45 – 4:00 PM                    Break


4:00 – 4:30 PM                    Presentation of Historic Art Contest Awards and Closing remarks by Paul A. Bielamowicz, AIA, LEED AP, President of Texas Society of Architects



If you cannot attend all of the presentations, please plan to arrive during breaks in the program.

Conference participants must preregister by June 8 to receive a boxed lunch on Saturday.



“Celebrating –through art—the Life and Work of J. Riely Gordon”

First Annual Hallet Oak Gallery Art Contest & Conference

Partnering with Texas Society of Architects – June 10–11, 2016



R E G I S T R A T I O N   F O R M















CONTACT ADDRESS:                                                                                                                                                                                                    


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PHONE NUMBER:                                                            EMAIL ADDRESS:                                                                                                               


Would you like to receive the Hallet Oak Gallery monthly newsletter for upcoming events via email: Yes                             No                              



Make checks to Hallet Oak Gallery. $75 per person or $60 each for two or more. $40 for Student, Teacher, or Senior Citizen. Walk-ins are welcome but will not receive lunch.



PRE-REGISTRATON FEE(S) ENCLOSED: $                                                     NUMBER OF PERSONS:                                                                



REGISTRATION INCLUDES LUNCH. SPECIAL DIET: (please indicate preference)                                                                           



To tour the Lavaca County Courthouse, indicate preference: Friday Evening Saturday Morning                                     









Hallet Oak Gallery

Historical Kahn & Stanzel Bldg.

115 N. Main Street or PO BOX 968

Hallettsville, TX 77964


             Gordon’s 1890 Kahn & Stanzel Building, Hallettsville, Texas, Photo by Mieko Mahi


“Celebrating –through art—the Life and Work of J. Riely Gordon”

First Annual Hallet Oak Gallery Art Contest & Conference

Partnering with Texas Society of Architects – June 10–11, 2016







the beautifully restored Kahn & Stanzel Building,

home of the Hallet Oak Gallery in Hallettsville, Texas

stands as a testament to the life and work

of architect J. Riely Gordon, 1863-1937.


Photo by Mieko Mahi




Entries:                                           Artworks may be in any medium (painting, drawing, sculpture, photography or other) but must illustrate some aspect of the life or work of James Riely Gordon (1863-1937).


Award Categories:                      Adults, ages 20 and up, First and Second Place for Excellence

Teens, ages 12-19, First and Second Place for Excellence

Children, ages 6-11, First and Second Place for Excellence

Best of Show “Judges’ Choice” $200 cash prize


Entry Fee:                                      Adults and Teens: $20 per entry, two entry fees includes 1 pass to conference

Children: $10 per entry


Entry Drop Off:                              Tuesday, June 8, 2016, 4:00-7:00 PM


Judging:                                        A distinguished panel from the Texas Society of Architects will begin voting on contest entries when the doors open at 9:00 AM on Saturday, June 11.


Awards:                                          First and second place awards and certificates in all categories will be presented at the Gallery at 4:00 PM, June 11.


Rules:                                           Contestants must be present by 3:45 to win. Winners will be announced at 4:00 PM, June 11. All entries except winners must be picked up when the event closes on June 11. Please arrive during a break in the program to avoid disturbing speakers. (See attached program.).


Fill out the form below to drop off with entry.


Name:                                                                              Street Address:                                                                                                                  


City:                                                                                  State and Zip Code:                                                                                                         


Email address:                                                               Title of Entry                                                                                                                       


Medium:                                                                           Description and Location of Inspiration:                                                                    




Entry Fee Paid:                                            Adult (Age 20 & up)                 Teen (Age 12-19)                   Child (6-11)                             


Do you plan to attend the conference? Yes          (Please complete the attached registration form for the conference.)


No             What time will you arrive?                       (Plan to arrive during a break in the program to avoid disturbing speakers.)


Would you like to be included in the Hallet Oak Gallery newsletter? Yes                            No                             

To download a pdf of the contest rules and registration, click on this link:




March 9, 2016
8:00 am - 8:15 am


Hallet Oak Gallery
View Organizer Website


Hallet Oak Gallery
115 N Main St.
Hallettsville, TX 77964 United States
+ Google Map