Private Booking Information

Thank you for your interest in subleasing the Hallet Oak Gallery for your upcoming event.

Please check the calendar on listed under calendar of events to see if an event it already planned for your booking date.

First come, first serve by availability of the date and we must have a check deposit or a credit card deposit along with a signed contact for the date in order for a date to be held on the calendar. Verbal agreements are not acceptable and we cannot hold dates without a contract signed and deposit. Only one representative of a group can be listed on the contract as they are to be responsible for the building sublease.

Prices are subject to change, please make sure our hourly rates are current on your form.

Be aware that this is a recognized historic building — so tape and nails cannot be used on any of the walls. No exceptions. Our historic protection rules are listed on the building use forms.

Experience it! Enjoy it! Explore it! And be a part of it!

Download the building use contract and amenities form by clicking on these two PDF files here: