
Questions & Answers

Click here to learn about Hallet Oak Gallery's Open-House "Free Entry" Themed Events!

Hallet Oak Gallery is participating in the Victoria College Art Smart project -- Click  on this link to download pdf of upcoming Hallet Oak Gallery Art Exhibits: 2024 Fall Art Smart Calendar For Students to Volunteer or to see dates for happenings to see and enjoy art exhibits!

To volunteer for Adopt-A-Highway and/of Adopt-A-River, leave message at 361-217-7030 or email venue@halletoakgallery.com the date you'd like to pick up trash. As any day is a good day to pick up trash! We can show you the spots and we'll be the guide! 

Our website for calendar, view it in "list view to see all activities:  www.halletoakgallery.com

Sign-up Information to Print Out

Hallet Oak Gallery
Historic Kahn & Stanzel Bldg.
115 N. Main St. or P.O. Box 662
Hallettville, TX 77964
361-217-7030 Building  phone
Mieko Mahi, Executive Director, venue@halletoakgallery.com 
Hours of operation: Last Saturdays (Feb-Nov) noon to 3 pm

To volunteer,  fill out this form below via copy and paste and email to mieko@halletoakgallery.com or come by on any Saturday and fill out our Volunteer Form. Please call us the day before, so we can make sure we visit with you! 361-217-7030 — all voice messages are emailed to Executive Director, Mieko Mahi.

Contact Name: __________________________________________________________


May we have your permission to add you to our free monthly newsletter list? Yes/No

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Volunteer/community service credits to school/instructor:______________________

Describe event dates and your interest to volunteer:






Examples of shifts:

  1. Volunteer any last Saturday (Feb-Nov) noon to 3 pm.
  2. Volunteer to help with photography or handing out posters.
  3. Volunteer from home by helping with writing, graphics, or social media posts.

Volunteer Needs:

  •  Door Greeter — Welcomes visitors at the door and makes sure they sign in. When people leave, makes sure they comment on their sign-in, if they wish, and give them our give-away magazines, and membership card to mail back in, and most importantly — hand out our calendar of upcoming events.
  • Docent — Gives Gallery tour, shows a few artist’s works, then leaves the guests to tour to read bios. Makes sure visitors become familiar with the Hallettsville Historic Timeline which also includes the history of the historic 1890 Kahn & Stanzel Bldg. and the historic 1897 Courthouse that is located across the street.
  • Filing — Files papers in a systematic order.
  • Media — Locating newspapers, radio stations, websites to post events.
  • Set Design – Building Tunnels for Youths
As a rule, volunteers will not receive an item of value in return for their donation of time.  To learn of our expectations of volunteers, download our orientation form here: 2018_hog_orientation_form
Introduction to Hallet Oak Foundation Family

Our mission is to provide a vibrant center in downtown Hallettsville for people to explore and enjoy art, performance, and learning. As a  501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, Hallet Oak Foundation is divided into two parts: Hallet Oak Gallery and Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization.

We are are located downtown Hallettsville in the historic 1890 Kahn & Stanzel Bldg.  designed by J. Riely Gordon — who is famous for designing 50 courthouse in the United States. Our building was one of his first three buildings he designed as a young man. Hallet Oak Gallery exhibits artworks from more than 20 artist that are either local or international. The Gallery regularly provides meet-and-greets with the artists and offers educational workshops, classes, evening lectures, musical events, and movies pertaining to the arts.

The Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization organization is dedicated to preserving the history of the town through public artworks, cultural activities, and environmental clean-up projects throughout the county.