Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization

2017 Accomplishments:

1. Transformation of a highly visible concrete block into art on Hwy 90.

FHDR coordinated public art project, corner of Hwy 90 & Hwy 77. Larry Charles, Contemporary Artist

2. Created beautification committee. First project was to coordinate and place flowerpots and gravel at four corners of the Lavaca County Courthouse.

3. Removed chewing gum from paved bricks around the entire square using screw driver. Weeded on Hwy 77, alley and swept downtown business street regularly.

4. Asked City to vote to power wash sidewalks once a year and to maintain regularly downtown streets, curbs, and sidewalks in front of the businesses. The vote was yes.

White painted steps power-washed by City.

5. We asked the county to mow for our big events and to remove leaves and trash around the courthouse street side regularly.

6. Lavaca County Cultural Arts Trail ad was created working with four cities.

Ad published in Discover Lavaca County!

7. FHDR donated $1600, by a Dr. Betty J. Edwards contribution, to help local swimming pool for public art creation and very needed supplies.

8. Presentations were made to Rotary Club and Lutheran Church members on beautification and watering equipment needed for city use.

Remote watering system needed for watering trees and plants.

9. Improved FHDR website and Facebook page in-house, saving dollars.

10. Mailed out and paid for 63 recognition thank you cards for best business landscaping. This was coordinated through our beautification committee working with Hallettsville Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture.

11. Picked up trash on Hwy 77 and made calls to find out who could clean up the area.

2018 Small Goals with Big Impact:

1. Generated a push for clean streets, curbs and sidewalks and taking responsibility. Discussions were made to city about the benefits and the importance for clean streets. The outcome, the Honorable Mayor and City Council hired additional help to keep public property and easements pristine for the benefit of businesses and residents. Both businesses and residents joined in participating.

2. We asked county to weed the annex parking area and now it’s routine. Also, the county hired a grounds keeper to maintain the courthouse courtyard daily.

3. On social media we encouraged the community to join Nextdoor, a community group that helps in communication for emergencies.

4. We picked up trash at highly visible locations on Hwy 77, including permission to pick up trash at the Lavaca County Hospital easement road by Brookshire Brothers.

5. Discussions were made to create kiosks at parks and gas stations. This would benefit tourists, senior citizens, parents that need to obtain information. This includes brochures about church schedules, special events, and business locations.

6. Individuals were contacted to be on an approved list for desiring 2nd Street being cleared for automobile.

7. An orientation was given to Lavaca County Retired Teachers about our projects.

8. Discussions have been to find out how to cut back the amount of burr weeds at the Housing Authority Park. Also, how to encourage family outings at this beautiful location overseeing the river.

9. FHDR adopted Hwy 77.

Hwy 77 Adopted by Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization

2019 Goals and Accomplishments to Date:

1. Sought for removal of graffiti on a neighboring historic building alleyway. The owner in turn contracted a favorite local artist to paint a mural.

2. Beautification Days was created for children under 14 to stay at the Gallery with their guardian and work on beatification projects inside while other adults picked up trash. Inside projects include painting and planting seeds that are take home gifts.

Beautification Day youth projects inside Gallery! Free.

3. Sought equality in Hallettsville City Hall meeting on 2/19/19 suggesting a clause to be included on the City of Hallettsville website to encourage new business.

4. Encouraged more scrutiny at the February City Hall meeting for beautification by asking City employees to report anything they might see while traveling. This would include graffiti and unclean waterways near creeks.

5. Requested cleanup of built-up dirt and removal of hazards on sidewalks.

6. Discussions about creating a safe place to visit the river for students to view it closer.

March 14, 1990

7. Discussions to visit with environmentalists and Core of Engineers to discuss river and how to have a small space for public enjoyment.

8. Unveiling of a forth-public art coordinated by FHDR. Hallettsville High School graduate, Satori Davis, was commissioned to paint Texas Flag to be located at the corner of Glen’s Meat Market.

Satori Davis, Award-Winning Pop Realism Artist

9. Fifth public art pieces coordinated by FHDR on Hwy 77 at a local crane business.

Future hopes for Lavaca River area: Requesting the Core of Engineers to revisit river and how to create a low water automobile and walk crossing. And discuss possible bike trail from KC Hall to downtown to Expo. We welcome ideas for outdoor activities for those that live and visit Hallettsville for his history, park, and river.

This is example of a large project underway for revitalization.
This is an example of a low water crossing with low impact to river and secondary foot area.

This is an example of a natural, yet safe, crossing trail for bike riders and joggers.
Danger zones would be marked keep out.
Example of a new challenging outdoor activity for youths.