All of us at the Gallery are excited by our success and enthusiasm for our cultural arts programs! We welcome additional financial donations to create new programs, as well as, continue our community programs. We depend on donations for most of our revenue as our nominal fees do not cover the cost of events. Please join membership at the Hallet Oak Gallery to help us keep our doors open six days a week.
About Contributions:
Like all not-for-profit centers, Hallet Oak Gallery relies on donations to cover revolving bills to keep the doors open and for continuing programs and developing new ones. Your support of Hallet Oak Foundation represents a significant role in helping Hallet Oak Gallery and Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization fulfilling its purpose and mission to the community it serves. All donations to Hallet Oak Foundation are fully tax deductible per IRS guidelines as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.
In memory of someone important to you, consider including Hallet Oak Foundation in your will or living trust for the creation of public artworks as a permanent collection to the Gallery, or public art visible outside on display, or to support those activities or plans for the community that you would to contribute. To read more about our mission, see or visit
Benefits of Membership
Free Admission to All Exhibitions
Free Admission to Family Programs
25% Discount to Subleasing Historic Building for Private Use
10% Discount to Planned Public Programs
Annual Member Art Show Extravaganza with Special Art Trade Tables
Annual Invitation to Fundraiser the first possible Saturday in January
The public will find an array of fine art on display ongoing from local and international artist. Art is for sale as a non-profit: 70 percent goes to the artist, 30 percent goes to the Gallery. Ongoing free art receptions, book signings, themed community events, family days filled with craft making and more is available monthly and group tours are available by appointment.
Membership is an important source of support for the Hallet Oak Gallery. Annual memberships help cover overhead of the Gallery and enable us to offer quality programs for local citizens, foster art appreciation, and support our local and regional artists. We have an all-volunteer board and all-volunteer docent program at this time.
Hallet Oak Gallery Goals:
To offer programs that encourage art education and appreciation for the betterment of our health and environment — working with city, schools, and other non-profits.
Help us Provide New Programs! Be a Part of it Donate Today!
Also, When you shop, Amazon donates. Search using our main parent name: Hallet Oak Foundation. $1000 of eligible purchases by Amazon customers that –select Hallet Oak Foundation would bring us $50 from Amazon.

Hallet Oak Gallery’s ultimate goal is to revitalize Hallettsville through art and culture. To create new programs for health and environment through art. The Hallet Oak Gallery is a place to exhibit art, see art, and learn art and is the artistic and cultural center of Lavaca County. The organization offers six different core services that target active senior citizens and students from 24 area schools affected by cut-backs in art funding. Our services include:
One-stop Learning Center – Free Family Days
- Cultural Arts Exhibitions – Students, Emerging, Established Exhibits
- Educational Outreach – Public Lunch & Learns, Student Tours/Lectures
- Artist Studio Programs – Encouraging Artist to Teach
- Special Cultural Opportunities – Patriotic Art Exhibit; Hallettsville Livestock & Rodeo Contest; First Day of Spring Chalk Art Festival; Juneteenth Celebration; Lavaca County Art in Architecture; Pumpkin Harvest Spooktacular; and Chriskindlmarkt, Downtown Hallettsville – Open to the public for free – with support by Dr. Betty J. Edwards and Donors.
- Art Trail and Civic Programs – Encouraging beautification, environmental education, art contests, tourism, and public Art
We are an all-volunteer board and are in immediate need of donations to help keep our doors open to the public.
How to Donate: Online Square or PayPal.
Or write a check to:
Hallet Oak Foundation
P.O. Box 662
Hallettsville, TX 77964
We will forward you a letter of receipt with our EIN number. We appreciate each and every dollar donated. It’s a good and well-needed cause.
Thank you! Together we are inspiring and exercising minds!
Contribution Levels:
Upon request names of donors of $160 or more will be listed in the Downtown Happenings ad and our poster. Donors will be engraved above the Hallettsville Historical Timeline.