The big picture: Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization

“Our goal is to retain all the advantages of a small town, yet revitalizing the city with small changes that can have big effects! Working together with our city, county and state, Hallettsville can have a place on the map that reads our history, our patriotism, our culture that has been around for 186 years – these facts will NOT change! What CAN change by working together is that America will see Hallettsville as the number one cattle producer and among many in Texas for exceptional pride in providing for its 24 schools in Lavaca County. They can see Hallettsville as a place to visit safely for family-oriented events with affordable places to stay overnight and eat. And hopefully, they will see Hallettsville as a place to visit for a three or four day workshops to learn art. Many already know these facts from afar — as Hallettsville has been written about in the New York Times, Houston Chronicle, and The Dallas Morning News for its big events. The Gallery’s goal is for betterment of the community for those that live here – betterment for health and environment through art and to tap into bringing in visitors so that we can thrive too — including the big events, the established businesses, and our new restaurants. We want “all” businesses to succeed and for the Gallery to succeed for betterment of our community. Big companies need help too. Our successes will not increase population, it will bring betterment for things to do and learn and it will surround us with pretty things to see. And will encourage families to return to live here and to retire. This is a good thing.
The first step:
Our goal is to add sparkle to the streets of Hallettsville. This WILL encourage tourism and it will improve restaurant sales, shopping sales, and above all – visitors will come to the Gallery to learn about our city’s history and experience art.
To get the word out:
- We are working on bringing the community together to help pay and construct welcome markers made of slate, iron, brick and stone. Last year Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization group asked Roger Janak to help and he instantly said “Yes”, he will design and donate too. We are looking for partners and funds to help with the costs involved. We, also, need special entry flags — either fabric flags or custom cattle ranch art made from iron – that honor our Downtown. In-kind or cash donations are needed.
- We need all events that are sponsored by the city and our businesses — to take extra steps to promote the county as a whole – because there’s a whole lot to see and do when we work together – which in turn brings in tourism — which in turn brings revitalization — which in turn allow our businesses to thrive.
- We are working with the Hallettsville Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture on these goals as their board will have final approval before major plans goes before the Mayor and City Council. Please help by joining their membership. Every dollar counts.
- Help get the word out. Our city is a two mile stretch, and most of the land is own by families for ranching, which is a GOOD thing. Our goal is to Not expand and grow. Rather it’s to THRIVE and to have BETTERMENT of living here: cleaner sidewalks, bringing back our low water crossing bridge for added travel points and to enjoy the Lavaca River views.
Our goal is to foster appreciation for our world. We want our community to enjoy what many may not have – land, creeks, public art exposure, nor may they have the ability to travel. Lets share in the pride of being a part of it! To share in pride for helping the betterment of those living here.
Unknown fact:
Art is not a problem. Everyone loves art, especially men, women and children. The Gallery wants the opportunities to teach fine art – lessons that students can take with them to college or their new jobs. We want to inspire senior citizens to have more leisure learning opportunties.
Help us by renewing your membership or becoming a member. Join and donate today online or mail checks payable to Hallet Oak Foundation, P.O. Box 662, Hallettsville, TX 77964.
To get involved with working together as county, join Friends of Hallettsville Downtown Revitalization, so that we can create a Lavaca County advertising campaign via newspaper ads, a single brochure, and to create two hand-painted billboards — which would market our county with imagery on what to do for a 3-day and 7-day get-away. We would need in-kind donations for the location of two double-sided billboards that would read, as an example: “Visit Lavaca County – a place to go back in time to experience our local food, museums, and live music. For more information, stop in our local Chamber offices: Shiner, Hallettsville, Moulton and Yoakum.” The billboards would be located near the main entry into Shiner from Gonzales and into Hallettsville from Hwy 110, to inform the travelers that are already passing through our area.
To learn more about our programs, see Hallet Oak Foundation on
Together we are inspiring and exercising minds!” – Mieko Mahi, Executive Director/Founder

2017 Board & Advisory Board